Mirrorless cameras are wonderful tools, but they can become an addiction if you let your digital mind run away with your heart. Below you can find a list of ten possible signs that you just might have a mirrorless camera addiction!
Note: This article is purely tongue-in-cheek. We mirrorless camera owners can be a funny breed, so it’s only right to poke fun at ourselves every so often!
1. If you silently weep every time you see a poor soul carrying around a DSLR and a telephoto lens (while, of course, smugly patting yourself on the head for having made such a wise life-changing switch).

2. If, while walking down the street, you analytically stare down anyone carrying a mirrorless camera, and are immediately able to recognize the brand and model.
3. If your blood boils every time your mother-in-law accidentally calls mirrorless cameras “mirror cameras.” (There ain’t no damn mirror! That’s the point!)
4. If, when your partner is away on business, you fill his or her space with your beloved Pen/Fuji/Sony/Lumix/fill in blank here, and somehow feel complete.
5. If, when you’re served a particularly delicious looking meal at a restaurant, your first instinct is to take a low-light photo of it, just to see if it looks as appetizing at 6400 or 12800 ISO. (In really bad cases, you then proudly proceed to show off the results to all your DSLR-toating friends.)
6. If you have one or more special shelf dedicated to your mirrorless camera collection which is cleaner than any other part of your house. (Guilty as charged!)
7. You’re on a first-name basis with all the top mirrorless brands. Hey Oly, what’s up? Panny, come on out for a beer. How ya doin’, Fuji. Er, Sony? Hm, can’t shorten Sony.
8. If your idea of a super fun date is going to a press conference presented by a group of Japanese reps and presidents where they speak in severely broken English about a newly released camera for five hours straight.
9. If your news feed on Facebook is cluttered with promotional mirrorless camera ads, photos by random people in camera-related groups, and “win a free camera” contests, and you have absolutely no problem with it.
10. If you loathe Microsoft Word and WordPress for not considering “mirrorless” a real word.
And one bonus sign…
11. When you look at a $300 mirrorless camera and say “Hm, that’s cheap!” but you won’t splurge on a $2 cup of coffee.
Got any more for us to share? Don’t be shy – leave them in the comments section!