Today, MirrorLessons is celebrating its third birthday! And to celebrate the website’s third anniversary, we are happy to announce our new sister website Mirrorless Curation.
Mirrorless Curation is a replacement for our old Tumblr blog, MirrorLessons Daily. Our goal is to use this new platform to share all the most interesting mirrorless-related news, articles and image galleries we come across. We were inspired by our friend Thomas Menk who does an excellent job of curating Fujifilm articles on his website

What will you find on Mirrorless Curation?
We will publish all the latest news from the various mirrorless brands – not only new camera announcements and the latest firmware updates for each camera but also any information related to mirrorless technology that has been made official (no rumours). In addition to sharing the most interesting blogs, image galleries and photography projects we come across, we will also compile lists with the most interesting reviews worth reading about the newest cameras and lenses on the market. Finally, we will keep an eye out for the best videos we come across that have either been shot with a mirrorless camera or that focus on a mirrorless product.
You might be wondering: why not include all this information on MirrorLessons instead of creating a new website?
Well, there are a couple of reasons. First, we wanted to keep the content on MirrorLessons original, whether it be written by us or a guest contributor. Second, we didn’t want to begin bombarding our readers with multiple posts every day. We felt that having two separate websites with different kinds of information would make things easier to follow for our readers.
We have high hopes for this new blog as we enter our fourth year and of course, we’re always eager to receive feedback about what’s working and what could be improved.
Finally, if you have published a high quality article you’d like to share with the world or have come across an article you believe deserves recognition, we invite you to send it our way. If we like what we see, we’ll be sure to share it!